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Stack Wallet F-Droid Repo Instructions

Steps to adding Stack Wallet onto your F-Droid

  1. Open your F-Droid App.
  2. Navigate to Settings via the bottom bar.
  3. Tap on Repositories.
  4. Tap on the + in the top right corner.
  5. Add the URL https://fdroid.stackwallet.com to the 'Repository Address' field.
  6. (Optional) Add the fingerprint below to the second field.

Direct HTTPS

fdroid.stackwallet.com QR Code

Signing Key Fingerprint

If you would like to manually verify the fingerprint (SHA-256) of the repository signing key, here it is:
76 4B 42 62 F7 57 50 A5 F6 20 A2 05 CE E2 88 6F 18 63 5F BD A1 8D F4 07 58 F5 A1 A4 5A 95 0F 84</